
Active participation of diverse human resources
and human resource development


Our group has established a Sustainability Committee with the aim of strengthening corporate governance functions in order to achieve sustainable growth based on our management philosophy. This committee will play a central role in setting and reviewing important issues and related goals, monitoring progress, and addressing social issues including ESG, SDGs, Society 5.0, climate change, and other environmental issues, as well as diversity and inclusion. We evaluate, review business portfolios, and decide on medium- to long-term management plans and direction. We also recognize climate change response and human capital as important management issues, and based on the discussions of internal committees, activity reports, and policy recommendations, the Board of Directors meets from time to time to discuss comprehensive issues. Discussions and decisions are being made.



<Human resources development policy>

Human resources are the source of our group's growth and are positioned as our most important management resource. We believe that by allowing each employee to demonstrate their individuality, working independently and continuing to take on challenges, we will create new value, leading to the realization of a sustainable society and the growth of individuals and the company. Based on this policy, we strengthen the recruitment of human resources with diverse experience, knowledge, and skills, provide learning and practical opportunities, and support career development into autonomous human resources who can think and act on their own.

<Internal environment improvement policy>

The "Develop individuality" part of our group's management philosophy", "Develop individuality and realize everyone's dreams through technology and service," incorporates our desire for each employee's individuality to be nurtured and blossomed within the Group. As a company where diverse human resources with different personalities are respected and where all employees can demonstrate their individuality to the fullest, we will tackle head-on the challenges of the times and create an environment and organizational culture where individuals and the company can grow together. We aim to foster this. In addition to the work process reforms that we have been working on to date, with a focus on improving productivity, we recognize that more than ever, we need each and every employee to work autonomously. In order to respond to this, we aim to ensure that all employees work happily and enthusiastically and maximize productivity, and we have implemented measures that take into account work-life balance, such as childcare/nursing care leave and short-time work systems, and created an environment that allows for telecommuting and side jobs. We are also implementing measures such as office casual wear.


Metrics and goals

One of the important issues for the sustainable growth of our group is to develop core human resources who will lead the way in transformation and the creation of new added value. We identify diverse core human resources who will lead the next generation from an early stage in their career stages, conduct selective training and assign appointments, measure the quality and quantity of human resource portfolios, and conduct mid-term management at human resource strategy meetings. We are considering training strategies and implementing systematic training.

In addition, we believe that it is extremely important to bring together diverse expertise in accelerating the promotion of our group's business strategies, and we believe that it is extremely important to bring together diverse expertise. We are also working to install and train data analysis experts, who are highly specialized human resources in the field, in each development department. Regarding safety engineers, we are training safety management experts who can lead risk assessments and provide appropriate advice on equipment safety. After acquiring specialized knowledge through a one-year training program, they will gain practical experience at each factory and research institute, and are expected to contribute to improving the Group's safety management level and ensuring safe and stable operations. For data analysis experts, we train data analysis and application experts through a one-year training program in which they acquire specialized knowledge in statistics, data analysis, model construction, and basic programming. After acquiring specialized knowledge, you will be able to try practical application in each research and development task, provide appropriate advice from a data analysis perspective, and be expected to contribute to accelerating the efficiency and sophistication of research and development using МI.

In order to achieve sustainable growth for our group, one of the important elements is to create an organizational culture in which diverse human resources can thrive. However, in terms of securing human resources, the proportion of women among the engineering students who are often hired by chemical manufacturers is low, and the number of years of service is short, with women resigning after giving birth or raising children. Improving the ratio and number of people will take time. For this reason, we are conducting systematic recruitment with an eye to the future success and promotion of women, and we are conducting working group activities and external training to develop candidates for managerial positions, with the aim of improving skills and raising awareness.